TK2020 Event
Create More Value With Your Learning Evaluation, Analytics, and Feedback (LEAF) Practice
Thursday, February 6, 10:15AM-10:45AM

Optimizing your LEAF practice is your best opportunity to improve learning and its impact. Less than half of organizations indicate evaluation helps them meet their learning and business goals. Data alone doesn’t create value. People acting on data create value. Our ALPS Ibex™ platform drives effective, purpose-driven evaluation empowering L&D stakeholders with insights and creating a culture of continuous improvement in the workplace. Examples demonstrate how using ALPS Ibex helps L&D stakeholders Act on Insights™ to drive improvement and impact.
Applications on the Job:
- Understand how improving LEAF practices can be a game changer in your organization.
- Support your evaluation use cases in the ALPS Ibex platform.
- Empower L&D stakeholders to create value with evaluation data.

Dr. Reana Poncheri Harman
Vice President and Director of Consulting
Dr. Reanna Poncheri Harman has supported organizational leaders in their efforts to develop and implement L&D initiatives since 2004. Reanna is passionate about helping organizations focus their L&D on efforts to create alignment between on-the-job needs and what is taught in learning programs. Reanna is particularly interested in leveraging the power of qualitative data collected with open-ended items on organizational surveys and through interviews and focus groups. She helps clients interpret qualitative input in combination with quantitative data to inform organizational change. Reanna has experience leading all phases of applied research and consulting projects, related to work analysis, training needs assessment, training evaluation, and curriculum development. She has extensive experience designing focus group protocols, organizational surveys, moderating focus groups, and conducting qualitative analysis. Reanna participates in the design and development of software tools to support consulting projects involving training evaluation and training needs assessment and works with the ALPS Team on the development of ALPS Ibex. Reanna has served as a Principal Investigator, Associate Principal Investigator, and Project Lead for military, government, corporate, and non-profit organizations. She has presented at several conferences, including the American Psychological Association (APA), the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), and the Language Testing Research Colloquium (LTRC). She has published in peer-reviewed journals including Organizational Research Methods and the Journal of Applied Psychology. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology in 2008 from North Carolina State University. She received her B.S. in Business from Mt. St. Mary’s University in 2003.

Mrs. Elisabeth Gnida Dezern
Data and Product Development Manager
Mrs. Elisabeth Gnida Dezern ensures quality survey design, data collection, data processing and reporting for military, government, corporate and non-profit organizations. As part of her role, Elisabeth works closely with clients to advise and manage data collection logistics associated with training evaluation efforts. She is passionate about advising clients on the best practices for managing data collection logistics and providing timely support for all client requests. Elisabeth uses her knowledge and experiences with clients in her role as the Product Development Manager for ALPS Ibex. Elisabeth works closely with a team of database programmers to develop, ALPS Ibex, a unique and engaging web-based tool that helps organization create value with learning and transfer data. She also provides customer support and leads training sessions for ALPS Ibex. Elisabeth is proficient in many software programs, including Microsoft Excel, InDesign, Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, Remark, and Adobe Acrobat and uses her skills in those programs to inform the design and development of ALPS Ibex. She received her B.A. in General Psychology from North Carolina State University in 2012.
Training Diagnostics to Improve Learner and Class Outcomes
ALPS Solutions has worked closely with training programs within the Special Operations Forces (SOF) community to evaluate training effectiveness and identify areas where interventions by program administrators and instructors can have a positive impact on learner- and class-level outcomes.
Effective Practices for the Supervision of Instructors
This document highlights findings and recommendations from the Establish Best Practices for the Supervision of Instructors Technical Report, which compares the instructional supervisory behaviors and practices used in Special Operations Forces (SOF) Initial Acquisition Training (IAT) schools to best practices described in the literature, as well as to practices used in language schools external to the SOF IAT community.
Speaking in the Target Language and Impact on Student Outcomes
This document summarizes trends and predictive relationships among instructor and student during-training speaking in the target language (TL) and student proficiency outcomes (e.g., end-of-training OPI results), using data collected from the Special Operations Forces (SOF) community.
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